1. Actually have a book list of books about racism and commit to reading those books.
    I did make a list, but I can’t seem to find it right now. I remember starting Sure, I’ll be Your Black Friend, but I didn’t finish. I read Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, but that’s not about how to be a better ally. For 2024, I’m going to listen to more books and make an effort to listen to books from marginalized voices.
  2. Be better at getting ready for bed and going to bed on time (11:15 at the latest).
    I got pretty good at this for a while and started listening to lo-fi beats to help me focus on getting through my bedtime routine. However, I would often get distracted, feel agitated for some reason, or just lose the motivation to get off Youtube and get ready for bed, so I usually ended up in bed around 11:30. I hope to try something different in 2024 to get to bed on time.
  3. Make time for hobbies (other than writing) such as knitting, ink painting, crafting
    Regrettably, I had a hard time making this happen. I did finish knitting my scarf towards the end of the year and I also made some cards. I usually craft when I’m with my mom, and it’s harder to make happen on my own. I guess I don’t know where to begin, but maybe if I schedule it in 2024, it can happen more often.
  4. Be positive and willing to start conversations with friends and loved ones.
    I’m not quite sure what I meant by this. Throughout 2023, there were times where I felt really social and comfortable in my skin, and other times where I felt really anti-social and out of place. I also went back to therapy. So yes, I’d say I achieved this resolution to the best of my abilities.
  5. Complete a fitness challenge. Success! I actually completed two and a half fitness programs (one I started in December and will finish this week)!
  6. Start investing and planning my finances better. I did this with automated monthly withdrawals and a lot of help from my financial advisor.
  7. Be less critical of myself. Another vague goal. I suppose the therapy helped with this – but again, there were highs and lows.

And that’s a wrap on 2023! Now let’s make some new ambitions for 2024!

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